Where would we be without the magnificent love of God? Even though we have all sinned and fallen short of His glory, He still cares to teach us of His Word, His power, and Himself. There is no greater love than the love of God in Christ Jesus. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, as the Apostle John once penned. The Lord Jesus Christ is God in flesh, teaching us face to face, willing to be born and to die as a man, that we might be born unto God. What great and mighty love lives in His heart?
Lord Jesus, open our eyes to the depth of Your love and give us hearts full of gratitude for Your deep and beautiful love for us. Your love is a wonder, from everlasting to everlasting, unbreakable, and unstoppable. Teach us to be a people knit together in love, giving thanks to our God, who is Himself love. Amen.