God promised rest to the Israelites when he rescued them from slavery and led them out of Egypt. Jesus invites all who are weary and burdened to come to Him and find rest. God has given us the gift of the Sabbath, a holy day of rest set aside for us to renew our bodies, minds, and spirits.
For six days work is to be done, but the seventh day is a day of sabbath rest, holy to the Lord
Exodus 31:15
We enjoy rest in all of its forms. Whether it is a much-needed night of sleep after a long workday, a quiet weekend day free from errands and commitments, or the peace we experience when we give our worries, our fears, and our guilt over to God.
And we can praise God with gratitude for designing our bodies and minds to need rest, and for leading us to moments, days, and even seasons of rest. And we can thank Him for the new strength that He gives to us as we rest.