Gracious Lord, Without You I Would be Lost

Life comes with seemingly endless turmoil. Often, we encounter difficult and confusing choices with uncertain outcomes. Other times, we find ourselves trapped in darkness by our own insecurities and fears. But in God, there is no darkness, and His perfect light casts out fear and lies.

Gracious Lord, without you I would be lost in this dark and confusing world, unable to find my way. Thank you for shining your light into my life and providing a lamp for my feet. I pray that your light would reach the dark corners of my inner being so that only your truth remains within me. Cast out the lies of doubt and worry so that I may walk with confidence and assurance by your light. Shine on me, so that I may know peace and comfort in the warmth of your glow as I walk with you. Amen.

God’s word is a light to our path. When we spend time in the light of scripture, we grow in wisdom, peace, and faith.