Relationship Prayer: Lord, I Pray That You Will Ease This Burden... - My Daily Bible

Today's Relationship Prayer

Relationship Prayer: Lord, I Pray That You Will Ease This Burden...

Relationship Prayer: Lord, I Pray That You Will Ease This Burden...

In relationships, sometimes one partner might be wrestling with pain, stress, or anxiety and need to lean on the other. As partners, we need to help each other through these seasons of difficulty as they arise. And one way that we do so is by seeking strength and perseverance in prayer.

Lord, I pray that you will ease this burden that my beloved carries. The weight of this pain is more than one person can bear. But even carrying this burden together, we know that we need your strength to help us persevere. So, Father, I ask for a measure of your strength, that I may be the support that my beloved needs in this difficult time. Please give me the patience and perseverance to endure this season of grief, and grant me the compassion to listen without judgment. Thank you, Lord, for being our strength, our comfort, and our refuge.

When we carry one another’s burdens, the love of Christ works through us, and strengthens our love for each other.

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