Prayer Generator – What Is Your Prayer Today? |

Tell Us What You Want To Pray About


Stuck on what to pray for today? Conflicted between different aspects of your life? This prayer generator might be exactly what you need. Running out of ideas on what to pray for will no longer be an issue for you. Based on what you select, this generator will generate a short, randomized prayer that will help guide you with clarity on the topic and focus you choose. Each prayer is picked carefully based on your selections so that you are provided with the perfect personalized prayer for your desires! If you’re looking for some extra inspiration, the prayer generator is here for you.

verses Daily Bible Verse

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. The power of Jesus simple... Read More >

prayers Daily Prayer

Give us a measure of your Spirit that we may be enabled to obey your teaching: to pacify anger, to take part in pity, to moderate desire, to increase love, to put away sorrow, to cast away vain glory, not... Read More >

relationship Today's Relationship Prayer

Problems in relationships often arise from our inability to fully understand the motivations of our partners. Sometimes their words or actions can hurt us or confuse us. In order to heal a wounded heart, one must turn to God for... Read More >

gratitude Today's Moment of Gratitude

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free, Paul writes to the Galatians. That sounds like great news, but what does it mean? In western culture, we think of freedom as personal autonomy and doing as we please.... Read More >