Jesus performed a miracle at a famous lost church in the Holy Land, but now experts believe they have uncovered the site where Jesus healed a woman who bled for 12 years.
The miracle was reported to have taken place in Caesarea Philippi, a Roman city. Archaeologists think they have unearthed the famous site where the miracle took place in modern-day Israel-occupied Syria in the ancient city of Banias.

Close to natural springs in the heart of the city, researchers think the church ruins are there.
“Besides the confession of Peter above, Banias is also mentioned as the place where Jesus cured a bleed woman,” says professor Adi Erlich.
The professor also went on to say,
“Byzantine sources tell us that after she was healed, that woman erected a bronze statue to commemorate the miracle, and it was placed ‘in a church by the springs’".

“Later on it was broken into pieces and the pieces were displayed, as well as relics. We suggest that the church revealed by us might have been this church that was related to the miracle.”
There has been a new discovery of a hidden path that could be a better fit, as there is another church nearby. Professor Erlich added, “there is another church excavated some 30 years ago on the other side of the springs, but our little church is more of a memorial than a practical basilica for services."

Both she and Ron Lavi, her colleague from the University of Haifa in Israel also discovered a stone that dates back to 400 AD. Early pilgrims back then carved the stone with crosses.
In the gospels of Mark, Luke, and Matthew in the Bible, the miracle of the bleeding woman healed by Jesus is told. Although doctors tried to cure her, the bleeding went on for 12 years. She apparently touched Jesus’ cloak as He went through a crowd of people and she was healed instantly.
The site is to be developed for tourism and the Israel Nature and Parks Authority has given orders for the site to be excavated. Once the conservation is complete, everyone will be welcome to come and visit this holy treasure.