Gratitude: Clean Clothes - My Daily Bible

Daily Gratitude

Gratitude: Clean Clothes

Gratitude: Clean Clothes

When was the last time you thanked God for the privilege of clean clothes? We often believe God doesn’t bother Himself with little things like laundry, however, everything is a little thing to our Almighty God. He cares about all aspects of our lives, including the blessing of fresh laundry. In fact, Scripture uses clothing as a metaphor for being clothed in the righteousness of Christ. The saints around the Throne are described in Revelation 19:8 as wearing “fine linen, fresh and clean”, which is the “righteous deeds of the saints.”

With that in mind, let us come to God in gratitude for His blessing of being clothed, not only in our clean laundry, but also with our Lord Jesus Christ.

God, I am grateful to You for being so faithful to me. Thank You for clean clothing, and also for clothing me with the glory of Your Son. Amen.

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