Lord Jesus, I ask For Your Favor Upon My Children - My Daily Bible

Daily Prayer

Lord Jesus, I ask For Your Favor Upon My Children


Lord Jesus, I ask for Your favor upon my children. Please reveal Yourself to them. Please give them a true love and reverence for You, as well as depth of wisdom and discernment. I ask for strong faith that abides in You. Lord, You love the little children and You do not wish that any of them be hindered in coming to You.

May Your mercy and grace draw my children ever closer to You, and give them an example of a steadfast Christian in me. God, I wish for my children to love You for the rest of their lives. May it be. Amen.

Our children need our prayers. As parents, it is our duty to hold them up to God and ask for His love and provision upon them. What believing parent wouldn’t wish for their children to come to know Jesus and the tender love He has for them? Praying parents beget praying children.

If we wish for our children to love the Lord God, let us first be mindful to love Him ourselves.

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