Romans 5:1 - My Daily Bible

Daily Bible Verse

Romans 5:1

Romans 5:1

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

The life of a Christian is a life of faith. We cannot get around this. It is through our faith that we stand justified before God. This faith believes the impossible and stands upon the promises of God. This faith trusts absolutely that Christ is who He said and died for our sins in order that we would be with Him forever. This faith is rock solid in believing Jesus rose from the dead and is the very Son of the Most High God. These truths are foundational to the Christian faith and are non-negotiable in order to be a believer in Jesus.

This faith justifies us in Him because God is looking for those who worship Him in spirit and in truth. He is looking for the ones of childlike faith, who can believe sight unseen, and who trust completely in what He has said because God has said it.

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