My Daily Bible - All Articles
Finding Your Way Through Faith

Having faith in something isn't logical. It can't be easily explained, yet it's crucial for holding onto and accepting that...

Why David and Goliath is the Perfect Children's Story

The Bible is filled with stories that can be used to recall how wonderful God is. From Genesis to Revelation,...

6 Powerful Bible Verses

ldquoJesus wept.rdquo - John 11:35 Only two words, this Bible verse is the shortest, yet is a great thing to...

3 Reasons Why Christians Should Be Kind

God expects us all to treat others as we would like to be treated. Jesus was a prime example of...

The Purpose Behind Tests From God

Testing of a person's faith can be found throughout the Bible. Though, there is a purpose behind this. God is...

How to Feel Complete Through Faith

Life can be rough and when things don't go as planned, we lose faith. We feel hopeless about the future...